Is Your Inner Voice Holding You Back?

Valerie Alvarez
4 min readMar 3, 2024

Discover how self-awareness is the key to personal growth and holistic wellness.

Live the Life You Love: Start with Self-Awareness

The journey through life is as much about personal development as it is about the years passing by. As we grow older, our perspectives shift and the focus often turns inward towards a more profound understanding of oneself and one’s place in the world.

This reflective process is not just about self-discovery; it’s about taking actionable steps toward a more fulfilling and healthy life.

Awareness: The Foundation of Growth

Becoming more aware of our surroundings and internal states is the first step towards growth. Noticing how people affect us, whether positively or negatively, allows us to make informed choices about who we let into our personal space.

This awareness extends to the environments we frequent — choosing places that feel welcoming and avoiding those that don’t.

Simplicity: The Art of Letting Go

In a world that often celebrates excess, the attractiveness of simplicity becomes a beacon of clarity. Embracing simplicity can mean decluttering your physical space, which is directly linked…



Valerie Alvarez

Integrative Nutrition Health Coach & Registered Yoga Teacher (RYT-200), helping high achievers learn how to work & live at a pace optimal for their well-being.